
Show open title sequence concept pitch created with Wendy Eduarte and Bridget Roden in Inspire Spring 2016.


This concept examines metaphors of grief associated with mass tragedy. It explores the “vacuum of meaning” associated with a significant loss and how society restructures, morphs and copes by trying to understand new emptiness and cultural structures.

Through collage style, the viewer begins to understand the precarious nature of social reordering and new connections that the characters within the show create by replacing those who are departed with various methods: new relationships, religion, violence and substance abuse.

Treatment: Treatment combines collage and live-action with a low saturation or dour color treatment to help emphasize the very real interpersonal struggles of the drama.

Motion: Motion treatment will consist of a series of hard cuts and flash cuts. Type will be treated with various opacities to give it an ethereal feel to associate directly with the “departure” or rapture which serves as the narrative catalyst for the show.

This project was a collaboration with the amazing Wendy Eduarte and Bridget Roden for the Inspire Workshop in Spring 2016 featuring the awesome Erin Sarofsky as mentor.