Don’t Cry Over Spilt Milk A short story about spilled milk created using Cinema 4D, RealFlow, and After Effects. In my quest to create additional motion design work for my portfolio while applying to graduate school, I wrote up this little story and started sourcing how to make it. I had been wanting to create an animation that would allow me to experiment with fluid simulation in RealFlow and Cinema 4D, so I came up with the concept of an old milk bottle being left on a front stoop slipping off and spilling. I modeled the bottle and simulated the physics in Cinema 4D, then I simulated the fluid in RealFlow and rendered out the final image using Cinema 4D after getting the fluid geometry from RealFlow. I composited the final image together in After Effects. I’m generally happy with the final result, but I would really like to experiment more with Realflow and also improve my skills in motion tracking and compositing, as I am very interested in live-action and photo-real CG in motion design.